Tag Archives: ffxv

Unsolicited Comment: Why do action scenes suck?

Kingsglaive’s lack of conflict won as the subject of my latest Extra Life article, but a close runner up was its un-Final Fantasy-like visuals/art style and atrocious visual storytelling. Its fight scenes in particular are visually confusing and even contradictory to the audio and story. I know I’m just throwing out empty claims with no evidence here, but that’s because I’d still really like to write or vlog about it someday. At that time, I’ll back it up! In the meantime, I think this video on action scenes in general sums up at least part of the reason why Kingsglaive’s fights confuse, obscure, and bore. The same could probably be said for a lot of CGI, action movies actually.

Kingsglaive: The Void Noctis Left Behind Extra Life Article

Wait! I’m not done talking about Final Fantasy XV and Extra Life yet! Did you know there’s a massive Prince Noctis-shaped hole in Kingsglaive’s story? In my latest article, I talk about how Kingsglaive’s apparent pointlessness results from Noctis’ absence. It even includes argument-supportive fan fiction. O.o

For those of you who don’t know, Extra Life is like a marathon for charity, but instead of running or walking, you play video games to raise money for a children’s hospital of your choice. The official Extra Life event occurred on November 5, but you can raise money whenever you want year round. Check out the Extra Life website to learn more, donate, and sign up!

Culture Shock: FFXV the Game vs. the Movie

Noctis in the FFXV Omen short film compared to Regis in Kingsglaive.

I spent part of today trying to determine why the movie Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV looks different from the cutscenes (released thus far) in Final Fantasy XV the game. For a while, I was convinced that the art styles must be different. FFXV is more stylized and anime-influenced both in how it looks and how the characters act and move. Spiky hair and dramatic acting is in! On the other hand, Kingsglaive is as realistic as possible. Art style still might be part of it, but the main reason I think they look different blew my mind a little when I realized it.

Kingsglaive is dominated by a mostly caucasian population, which includes King Regis. The game is dominated by characters of Japanese or Asian descent, including Regis’ son Noctis. Some of the characters who appear in both have a slightly different eye shape in the game to make them appear more Asian (like the Chancellor or Regis) or different character designs between both mediums (like Luna). This is probably why Regis and Noctis could not be seen together in the movie (because who would believe they’re related?).

…Changing dominant cultures between entries in the same franchise… That’s such a weird thing to do! Why would you do that!? O.O

How to Promote Final Fantasy XV

Anyone who says the Final Fantasy XV movie exists in part to promote the game is wrong. Wrong! WRRRROOOONG! This 4 and half minute trailer is 1000 times better for that. It’s a 1000 times better in general, 1000 times more emotionally investing, exciting, and intruging. I wish this with more details were the movie. Instead I have to watch disposable, super protagonist be unwaveringly loyal in the face of two cliche warring nations and pointless action scenes. Boring as hell. *resists using more colorful language to describe disappointment*

More of my thoughts on the topic will hopefully be coming soon via Extra Life.

Also, if this entire trailer is CGI, I’m super impressed.

Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV Release Date

I’m taking another break from Anime Abominations because Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV has a release date!

Its association with Stage 6 Films makes me nervous. Stage 6 specializes in producing low budget movies. Starship Troopers: Invasion and Appleseed: Alpha, both of which were seriously lacking in story, are among its productions. Regardless of whether its story is as stupid as killing yourself to stop a giant spider robot set to destroy and already ruined city though, Kingsglaive will at least be pretty… and a new Final Fantasy movie is awesome.

Edit (8/3/2016): I read a little deeper into it, and it appears that Stage 6 is only in charge of U.S. theater distribution. Whew. There’s hope yet! The film is directed by Takeshi Nozue, a co-director on Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. A professional screenplay writer, Takashi Hasegawa, wrote the script, but “Hollywood staff” and Los Angeles-based Hydra Entertainment assisted in creating it. The film targets primarily an English-speaking audience. While the project began with the Advent Children team and Square Enix’s Visual Works division, which is dedicated to creating cutscenes, 50 companies would eventually contribute to the project, including studios in Hollywood, Canada, and Japan. I’m still skeptical, but this could be an interesting mix of western and eastern storytelling and artwork.